How and Why to File Your Objection to CSKT Water Rights Infringement
Defend Your Property Rights into the Future!
Watch CSKT Overview, print the objection form below, review the ideas for your objection and the add'l documents
How and Why to File Your Objection to CSKT Water Rights Infringement
Watch CSKT Overview, print the objection form below, review the ideas for your objection and the add'l documents
Note: We are not attorneys and this info is not intended to give legal advice. Its intent is to provide information that could be meaningful to you for the proper recording of and protection of your water rights"
The importance of filing an objection should become clear with the viewing of the information on this site. Even though we live in the city we are filing an objection to protect our future investments by us and our offspring. Filing is what is termed maintaining standing, or the ability to protect your rights by joining in legal action with others should it be needed.
There are literally thousands of pages of information connected to the CSKT Water Compact. Also what can be classified as criminal activity has taken place in passing this and now the next step in underway, with the adjudication happening in the Montana Water Court.
Of the 300,000 water rights that exist in this part of Montana affected by the Compact and only 68,000 received Letters.
There has been much discussion about the impact this will have on families, with the general consensus being that relates directly to the water court letter that if you do not file you are literally surrendering your water and property right and eliminating your standing to object in any future litigation.
Also this incremental process will give the tribe the right to monitor your water usage. This fact has been documented as coming from tribe.
October 26th at Eagles there was an event of over 100 people that discussed the egregious activity around CSKT Compact and then detailed info on Filing your objection. Montana Water Court seems to with a purpose make the process hard.
Click on this link: enter your name (last name first followed by space then first name, no commas or other punctuation) or Geocode and it will bring up not only your abstract but the entire Microfiche contents on most properties, including maps and well logs.
This is the Cadastral site. You select your county, enter your name and you can gather much of the property information that you need
Personally we are filing because this compact impedes the purchase and right to purchase and develop property in the future for us and our future generations.
We are also going to send our objection to all four of the contacts listed on the form via a signature required certification.
Here are some Tips to use in preparing your objection
There are many legal inaccuracies in the CSKT Water Compact, Here are just a few to reference in your own words.
Montana Water Court Document was sent to 68,000 Located here for your Preview
History Proves that the establishment of the reservations was to allow for the assimilation of tribal members into American society.
This treaty lays out the position of the tribes in society, the writers of the compact failed to correctly quote and follow the very clear verbiage found herein.
There are a number of people who falsified information, cheated the system and took monies to get things passed.
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